Are You Always “Safe” In God’s Will?

Are You Always “Safe” In God’s Will?

Are You Always "Safe" In God's Will? I’ve done LOTS of hard things in my life but probably the hardest was bringing children into my home to raise who had come from some pretty traumatic backgrounds.  When I was about three years into that journey, I found myself in a...
Lemons To Lemonade

Lemons To Lemonade

I’m currently taking a class at our local college, I guess because I’m old and still think I can learn new tricks! One of our first assignments was to give a 3–4-minute speech telling the class something about us. Man, how do I fit ANYTHING about myself in 3-4...


Waiting….this is one thing that I am HORRIBLE at.  I truly believe that I have some form of ADD.  It’s nearly impossible for me to just “wait” for anything.  I’m a doer by nature and when I want something, I go make it...
Go. Set. Ready

Go. Set. Ready

I need to start out this blog/journal entry with a disclaimer that nearly all of it I’m stealing from a devotional that a friend sent to me that came out of “Draw the Circle:  The 40-Day Prayer Challenge” by Mark Batterson.  It...
Can People Really Change?

Can People Really Change?

Can people really change?  The simple answer is no.  This is reaffirmed to me again and again.  I LOVE seeing changed lives and I engage in all kinds of activities to try to be the part of witnessing changed lives.  What I’m...